Finally a Graduate.

The journey began from excitement
Thinking of the sunrises and sunsets,
Those were going to flow,
Through my life hopefully not with a blow.

Every moment will pass by...
Time won't just stand by...

In the name of classes, gossiping in canteens,
Formulating excuses to escape from lecture scenes.
Investing in for sake of your love,
Concurrently, arguing with friends for your love.

Some sit back for enjoyment,
Some seat front for employment.
Crazy days and stupid fights,
Bunking around, paying the bills in heights!

Every moment passes by...
Time just doesn't stand by...

Interfering the registers for attendances,
Messing with the teachers, hurting tendons,
Embarking the notes from internals,
Till the day we get our results.

Absence of those friends leading to torments
Walking away, growing up with memories towards your chase.
Every hour filled with joyous moments
How will it bear the pain of outpace?

Every moment passes by...
Time just doesn't stand by...

Time to say goodbyes,
Splitting onto our ways,
A few shoulders to cry,
Yet keeping faith and playing the play. 
